

Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment is hosted in two formats:

Formal Recruitment held at the start of the spring semester and Informal Recruitment held in the fall and after the completion of Formal Recruitment in the spring (aka: Continuous Open Bidding or COB).

To learn more about sorority recruitment, chapter & community membership, and overall benefits visit the sorority life website, hosted by the National Panhellenic Conference. This website includes info for potential new members and parents/family/friends.

2025 recruitment


The list of chapters participating will be updated as they make their decisions. So far, these chapters have let us know they will be participating: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta, and Pi Beta Phi.

Fill out the forms below that let their recruitment team know you are interested in talking to their chapter. You can COB with as many houses you want, there is no minimum or maximum.